D061: [克羅地亞] Twenty One Dolphins

“Where are the dolphins?”,只有 3 個人的充氣艇停在拖網漁船的附近,摸著經過 3 小時沒有絲毫停頓,被起勁的海風以高速吹彿至冰凍的臉頰,我已沒有感覺想知道海豚在哪兒。

Adriatic Dolphins . Veli Losinj . Croatia

Continue reading D061: [克羅地亞] Twenty One Dolphins

D059: [克羅地亞] Bottlenose 與中華白海豚

“Is there any dolphin in Hong Kong?”

“Yes.  They are pink in colour.  We call them the Chinese White Dolphins.”

via Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society


Continue reading D059: [克羅地亞] Bottlenose 與中華白海豚

D058: [克羅地亞] Say Hello to the Adriatic Dolphins

來到 Croatia 千多個島嶼中這個名叫 Losinj 的地方,是因為我要與這些可愛的牠們同伴兩個星期!

Adriatic Dolphins . Veli Losinj . Croatia

Continue reading D058: [克羅地亞] Say Hello to the Adriatic Dolphins